Harvard Library

Restricted Access Harvard Library Resource

Your HarvardKey login does not have permission to access this library resource. Access is restricted to current students, faculty, and staff of Harvard University. "Person of Interest"* affiliations are not eligible for library access. This restriction is a requirement of the access license agreement Harvard has with the vendors.

Contact your department to confirm that you have an active university student or employee affiliation. Note that new/renewed accounts can take 24 hours for full access.

Harvard alumni: For questions about access to library resources as a Harvard alum, see https://library.harvard.edu/how-to/use-harvard-library-alum.

For assistance with other common access issues, please see Common Issues Preventing Access to Harvard Library Resources.

*”Person of Interest” roles are sponsored affiliations for persons who are external to Harvard. They include consultants, contractors, collaborators, and some temporary positions.